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Kraj: Serbia

Lokalizacja: It doesn't cost any money. I have a way., RS

Na Useme od 11 czerwca 2024

O mnie

I am a highly skilled and experienced Senior Full-Stack Engineer with over 9 years of experience in developing, designing, and maintaining web applications. Proficient in a wide range of technologies across both front-end and back-end development. Passionate about building scalable, efficient, and user-friendly applications that solve real-world problems. Languages NodeJs, Python, Java , PHP, Javascript , TypeScript, HTML, CSS

Platforms AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Heroku, Netlify

Other Ethers.js, System Design, Smart Contracts, Ethereum Smart Contracts, Networks, Technical Writing, Legal Technology (Legaltech), Legal Counsel, Global Project Management

Frameworks React, Angular, Vue.js, Svelte Express, Django, Spring Boot, Ruby on Rails, Laravel

Libraries/APIs RESTful, GraphQL, WebSockets

CV / Résumé

Sty 2019 - Wrz 2023



As a senior full-stack developer, I was responsible for architecting and implementing scalable and secure web applications for a global audience.

Maj 2018 - Lip 2019



As a senior full-stack developer, I was responsible for leading a team of developers in creating and maintaining web applications for clients in various industries.

Kwi 2015 - Mar 2018



My role as a senior full-stack developer involved working on a variety of projects ranging from e-commerce websites to internal business applications. I collaborated with cross-functional teams to design and develop solutions that addressed complex.


Portfolio item E-commerce Platform

Developed a robust e-commerce platform that supports thousands of products and high traffic. The site uses a MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) to provide a seamless user experience.

Portfolio item Real Estate Listing Site

Built a real estate listing site that allows users to search, view, and save property listings. The site is developed with Ruby on Rails and Vue.js, offering a responsive design for mobile and desktop users.

Online Learning Platform

Designed and developed an online learning platform with interactive courses, quizzes, and progress tracking. The platform uses Python (Flask) for the backend and Angular for the frontend.

Portfolio item Travel Booking System

Developed a comprehensive travel booking system that includes flights, hotels, and car rentals. The system is powered by a microservices architecture using Spring Boot and React.