More information available upon being accepted for the project. In brief, a task involves building bot scanning social media network profiles and recording the found data in a proprietary database.
Building an admin panel for an existing web application enabling to:
- Create/remove accounts
- Password reminders via email
- Remember login details for 30 days
Script located on a cloud server, providing an API endpoint that accepts LinkedIn Company Profile or Person Profile links, extracting the company or person information.
The script will operate using a LinkedIn Premium account so that the employee count history information can be accessed and extracted.
Company Profile Methodology
- Script would provide an API endpoint via which a LinkedIn company profile link could be sent.
- The script will have a maximum request completion time of 1 minute.
- Example API request format:
452.213.1.110/linkedin_scraper/ (where number at the beginning is the server’s IP number and is an input LinkedIn profile link)
- Once request received, the script would visit LinkedIn profile and collect the data. Once the data extraction is completed the script would respond with a JSON response, providing the following:
- Date when scanned
- Name of the company as displayed on LinkedIn
- Sector (underneath the company name)
- Location (underneath the company name)
- Description (“About us”)
- Employee Count History: tuples of month, year, number of employees (only available via Premium Account) [if exists]
- Number of employees (from the section “See all X employees on LinkedIn”)
- Specialties
- Headquarters
In case of any of the above information missing from the page it is important to ensure that the JSON response produced maintains the same format and simply provides an empty field wherever the data isn’t available.
User Profile Methodology
- Script would provide an API endpoint via which a LinkedIn link could be sent.
- The script will work in a timely fashion, with a maximum request completion time of 1 minute.
- Example API request format:
452.213.1.110/linked_in_scraper/ (where number at the beginning is the server’s IP number and is an input LinkedIn profile link)
- Once request received, the script would visit LinkedIn profile and scrape the available information
- At the end of the process the script would respond with a JSON response providing the following:
- Date when scanned
Main profile
- Profile Description
- Location: City
- Location: Country
Experience (all experiences)
- Role / Title
- Job Description
- Company Name
- Company LinkedIn URL
- Location: City
- Location: Country
- Beginning Year, Ending Year
- Institution/School Name
- Major
- Beginning and End Years
- Degree Description
Ideally, script to be written in JavaScript or Python.
We're looking for a Javascript developer to build a system scraping and structuring information from a known social media site for startups. The script will initially scrape the current data for the site for both people and companies listed. Subsequently, it will pull information for new companies being added to the platform.
The information will be stored in a relational database with an API endpoint.
As part of the project the developer will also create a Google Sheets add-on, enabling to pull information from a database into Google Sheets, based on a filter criteria.
A more detailed product specification will be provided upon selection of the provider.
Building a Google Calendars API Reporting Tool that connects to the email addresses shared with the authorised user and enables to download a list of all meetings in a given timeframe, in CSV format.
Porting an existing Google Chrome Extension that queries multiple APIs (proprietary and commercial) and produces data dashboards of information on companies visited via web browser, to a responsive web app.
A basic MySQL database on DigitalOcean server, with an API endpoint providing a response in JSON format.
Database of funding deals with an easy way of truncating it and uploading the new data from CSV. The database will be accessible via API endpoint and provide response data in JSON format.
We have an existing software infrastructure that circulates around a database of business leads. We're looking for a developer to help us add some existing data points into the database and also to create triggers when certain fields change in the database.
Please make an offer for 40 hours work.