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Kraj: Portugalia

Lokalizacja: Tomar, PT

Na Useme od 21 lipca 2018

O mnie

Hello! I am a full-stack brand expert with proven academical and professional expertise in many areas of marketing. From big to small enterprises, my business perspective is very complete and so I can help you with:

- Branding - Website Design - Copywriting - Content Creation - Translations PT-EN and EN-PT - Virtual Assistance - Logo Design - Market Research

I will dedicate myself 100% to your project, I will deliver it fast and with accuracy, I will treat you as royalty and I will only charge you what you deserve to pay! Feel free to contact me and clear your doubts! Let's reach the top together!


Portfolio item
Full-Stack Branding - Soccer Draft

My client wanted a brand that would kickstart his new business and that would demonstrate the high quality of the services provided. I designed the logo, built the website, wrote all the content, created social media pages and managed them and...

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Website Copywriting

I've written all the content and I've chosen all the images to the website of a water pumping systems' company based in Lisbon, Portugal. The website is now a big success with a great amount of deals coming from requests based on website...

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Legal Contract Translation

My client asked me to translate a contract, to be celebrated between football players and a players' agent, from English to Portuguese. I delivered it very fast and for a fraction of the market prices which was ideal for a new company with...