Kraj: Poland
Lokalizacja: Marki, PL
Na Useme od 28 kwietnia 2024
16+ lat doświadczenia w tworzeniu strategii marketingowych opartych na danych, które napędzają rozwój biznesu. Ekspert SEO, content marketingu i lead generation.
Pasjonat przekraczania celów i wyprzedzania się z trendami.
Mocne strony: Strategia, Analiza, Kreatywność
Połączmy się i osiągnijmy razem niesamowite rezultaty!
Sty 2008 - Teraz
Self Employed
As a self-employed Marketing Advisor for 16 years, I leveraged my extensive knowledge and experience to provide strategic marketing guidance to a diverse range of clients.
As the Marketing Director at Beckley Foundation💖, a foundation with budget constraints, I spearheaded initiatives to drive organic growth and enhance the organization's online presence.
As the Marketing Director at Beckley Foundation💖, a foundation with budget constraints, I spearheaded initiatives to drive organic growth and enhance the organization's online presence.
As a self-employed Marketing Advisor for 16 years, I leveraged my extensive knowledge and experience to provide strategic marketing guidance to a diverse range of clients.
As a self-employed Marketing Advisor for 16 years, I leveraged my extensive knowledge and experience to provide strategic marketing guidance to a diverse range of clients.
With 6 years in the company, I have successfully coordinated and executed multiple concurrent marketing campaigns, ensuring timely completion and goal achievement.
With 6 years in the company, I have successfully coordinated and executed multiple concurrent marketing campaigns, ensuring timely completion and goal achievement.