Index finger pointing up icon

Kraj: Republika Kosowa

Lokalizacja: shtime, XK

Na Useme od 9 lipca 2023

O mnie

Hello, my name is Fehmi. Also, first of all, I want to say that we can work together very well because I understand very easily about design, which we should not complicate. With design, I have experienced about 6 beautiful years in which I have worked on many different projects such as logos, brochures, posters, ui/ux design, etc...

CV / Résumé

Lut 2023 - Teraz

Graphic Designer

Slivova Trade

Mar 2020 - Gru 2022

Senior Graphic Designer


Portfolio item
Logo Creation

For this logo, the client asked me to combine something between the window and the letter f and the sun or lighting. and in the end I ended up with this beautiful logo.

Portfolio item
Product Design

I worked for days on this beautiful design, which at the end of the work everyone liked and today it is realized in one of the food products in Kosovo.

Portfolio item
3D work

I also work in 3D, both in modeling and rendering, which is normally a tiring job that I do without anyone's help.