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Kraj: Indie

Lokalizacja: BANGALORE, IN

Na Useme od 22 marca 2024

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O mnie

Hello, privacy professionals,

Since 2016, well before the advent of GDPR, I have been researching and developing content with privacy at its core. Immersive experience in data protection, security compliance, information security, and digital identity has built my entire professional content writing career.

Collaboration with renowned privacy advocates and service providers in the governance, risk, and compliance industries has compounded my hope in privacy as a fundamental right over the years. With my content writing skills, I proudly carry forward the torch of privacy while amplifying the reach of my clientele.

In the era of machine-generated content, my copies stand out with the human touch. My messages spearhead through the search engine results page to establish a firm connection with the target audience, comprising IT, compliance, and marketing personas.

For subject-matter write-ups meeting the requirements of CEOs, CTOs, CISOs, and DPOs, please reach out for more detail.


Shadow IT and its significance in B2B environments

Although an old-school problem, shadow IT still breathes life into modern cybersecurity concerns. Shadow IT is likely to gain momentum in organisational settings as people become more tech-savvy.

CCTV Rules & Regulations in UK

Some argue that CCTV systems not only enable security but also pave the way for increased surveillance that infringes on people's privacy rights. The debate over which part outweighs the other continues to burgeon with the advancement of technology.

Zrealizowane zlecenia 2

  • Please write an article on the cctv rules and regulations in the UK written by a privacy professional. Length shall be at least 1250 words. Preferably closer to 1500 words. We have created a Surfer SEO project for this article, which is available here: Please apply internal linking according to the folowing template: Please read these 2 texts before you proceed: The time invested in lecture will pay off and will help to understand the niche industry for the sale of future assignments. Thank you
  • Write a SEO optimized article on the topic: "GDPR Compliance in Land Surveying: Best Practices for Protecting Personal Data in Photos" Length shall be at least 1250 words. Preferably closer to 1500 words. The text should emphasize the importance of anonymization of photos and videos by blurring faces and license plates. It should advise that although it is a tedious and time consuming task, there are solutions on the market that help to do the job done by using AI powered software. Apply external linking (at least 3 links) an internal linking to Gallio PRO blog. Technical requirements for the article are expressed in the table available under the following link: The blog article has to bee written manually, without use of AI. If the client suspects that the text was written using AI, he reserves the right to refuse payment. The subjective assessment of whether the text was written using AI rests with the client.