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Kraj: Polska

Lokalizacja: Łódź, PL

Na Useme od 23 września 2024

O mnie

Jestem UX designerem z doświadczeniem w prowadzeniu projektów i rozwijaniu obszaru badań konsumenckich. W projektowaniu pomagają mi umiejętności analityczne i chęć spojrzenia na produkt oczami użytkownika. Projektując stawiam na dostępność, przywiązanie do szczegółów i otwarty umysł.


GotujWygodnie - online store

This project started with the e-mail from furniture company owner. His business is focused around website that allow users to design and order custom kitchen furniture.

SecondLife - eco-friendly platform

My project is an app for used items give away. It will provide users access to platform that help give away items that they don’t use any longer but wants to share with those in need. It will also allow an easy and safe way to communicate with other.

WalkPals - app for doglovers

My product is an app that allows users to connect with other dog owners, plan activities together and share interests.

NeoVision - online art gallery

My second project is an app for art gallery. It will give users access to virtual visits on exhibitions without leaving home. It will also allow to buy tickets fast and easy.

EatBetterWithAnna - healthy lifestyle website

My project is a website for dietitian. It will allow users to contact professional help and schedule an online consultations. It will also help them choose and customize their personalized diet plan.