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Kraj: Polska

Lokalizacja: Łódź, PL

Na Useme od 19 grudnia 2022

O mnie

Hi, My name is Adam Lipman. I am an open and calm person. I build my views by collecting information. I am looking for creative development at work. In my free time, I paint and play board games.

I did finish the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz. My diploma was made around the brand of hand-printed clothes. I turned my idea into life and opened a company named Mito Sito, which was operating between 2019-2022. During that time I learned much about how to develop a brand, maintain a clear message, organize and teach people, and produce prints, catalogs, and photo sessions. With my brand, I was a resident of Art_Inkubator in Lodz, and also a part of Łódzkie Sztuki, which is a collective organizing design market in Lodz. Here's a link to Mito Sito Instagram:

After a year of painting, I am ready to take on new challenges, that's why I'm looking for a job. Check my portfolio:


CV / Résumé

Sie 2022 - Teraz

chairman of the association

Stowarzyszenie LAAF

in 2023 we founded the LAAf association, of which I am the chairman. Our task is to organize an abstract art festival in Łódź. We have already had one exhibition in 2022 on the occasion of the Retroperspektywy theater festival.

Sie 2021 - Paź 2021

member of association

Dobrzy Znajomi

With the group Dobrzy Znajomi, we organized 2 social and cultural meetings in the park. I was co-organizing the event, making workshops about printmaking for kids, and designing posters for the first event.

Gru 2019 - Paź 2022


Mito Sito

The scope of Mito Sito's activities included: the development 
of the brand producing printed clothes, workshops, 
and commissioned screen printing.

Paź 2015 - Wrz 2019


Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz

Lodz / master / Graphics and Painting / Specialisation graphic design.


Figma Portfolio

Hey, here You can check my whole portfolio made in Figma. It's a prototype so please give it a second to upload.

Portfolio item Mito Sito

Here You can see an Instagram of the brand I was managing Mito Sito. Among my many responsibilities in the company was also designing the Instagram feed

Portfolio item Catalogue "Rotunda"

For this catalog, I designed and printed all of the clothes and skateboards. The photos were taken by Jan Barnaś and myself. I also designed the catalog itself and stitched it by hand. Check the web version on ISSUU

Series of illustrations

Here You can see some of my illustrations

Portfolio item LAAF

For LAAF 2022 I designed the Instagram feed and co-designed with Joanna Cisek event poster.

Portfolio item Catalog "the 8"

I designed the catalog itself and stitched it by hand. The designs presented in it were made by Justyna Olczak and myself. Check the web version on ISSUU