Writing 1 post per week for a JavaScript related blog (long-term cooperation)

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Opis zlecenia

I'm looking for a person to write and deliver one JavaScript related post every week. I'm interested in a long-term cooperation.



1. Language: English

2. Topics:

- technologies like React, React Native, Node.js, Electron.

- the author suggests specific topics and matching long-tail keywords

- topics may vary from use cases, tutorials, to comparisons, "why use", advantages & disadvantages, etc.

3. Target audience: JavaScript developers (beginners, medium experience, +/- advanced)

4. Style: conversational

5. Length: 1000 - 1500 words

6. Other:

- 3 links to other pieces on our blog/website included in the body of the article (a list to choose from will be provided)

- at least 3 links to other external sources

- keyword included in the title

- keyword included in one of the subheadings

- keyword density in the body at least 0.5%

- 2-3 pictures included in the body + 1 featured image. (You can use relevant screenshots, pictures found on free stocking pages, or infographics/graphs/statistics from other websites or blogs - just attach link sources, the author will be credited and backlinked)


Please send examples of similar content you produced in the past and suggested pricing.

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