TikTok coordinator for communication with creators in Italian language. Must be a native Italian. Good knowledge of Tiktok and Tiktok trends. Coordinating and management skills.

Zlecenie zamknięte
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3606 umów
Kategoria zlecenia:
SEO i social media

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Opis zlecenia

We are a leading e-commerce sales company, defining the sector with its employees. We've already mastered Facebook, now we are moving onto TikTok. Can you help us? We are looking for a native Italian person who will work closely with us by helping us searching and coordinating communication with potential Italian content creators to showcase our products. The job will take you approximately 12-15 hours per week, keeping in mind that the number is flexible. If you're interested, we're more than happy to discuss all further details with you!

Rodzaj i ilość tekstów:

We'll work together to determine the number of videos and the scope of your work.


E-commerce, Tiktok

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