iOS & Android app ( React Native or Flutter )

Zlecenie zamknięte
Marcin - Inventively
Marcin - Inventively
135 umów
Kategoria zlecenia:
Aplikacje mobilne

Do negocjacji


Opis zlecenia

Firebase auth: email login, register, forgot password, log out

Create user profile

Map View: view markers, click to view place details

Location is required to use the app

Querry place by location to display on the map ( probably use Firebase Geo queries? )

View Place details: image, contact fields, description

View promotional coupons and redeem them, offers have an image, title, and promotion value

List view of the nearby places

Search place by it’s name on the list

In app purchase monthly and a yearly subscription, use RevenueCat, access the map only after purchase

testing, build iOS and Android app

UI/UX design będzie dla Ciebie przygotowany

Proszę o podanie przybliżonego kosztu wykonania zlecenia oraz czasu.

Wymagane funkcje:

Podano w opisie

System operacyjny:

iOS Android