Geolocation system for SOS and Tracking

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olocation system for SOS and Tracking

We need an application up to that allow android users to send data VIA WWW to a WEBSERVER

APP for Users On Android Smartphone:

1. Start the app beginning of day (GPS position operator and time tracked sent to DB)

2. Trace user position by GPS (GPS position and time rate Define by Manager&Admin from 5 to 60 min)

3. Send SOS with current position data (GPS position, operator and time)) in case of Emergency

4. Receive Info of user in Emergency from Manager (google maps position of SOS)

5. Stop the app end of day (GPS position operator and time tracked send to DB)

6. App always in background after start and if closed without the stop send alert to the DB

All Data stored in a Server Database with internet connection based on rate set by MNG.

If connection is lost data need to be saved on smartphone for delayed late sending.

Windows WEB Server with Responcive web page & with DataBase on MYSQL

On the WEB Server whit at least 2 or 3 level of access permission will be possible to do all or part of:

1. Setting SOS phone number\IP

2. Setting IP DB address

3. User managing (Add Remove Verify)

4. Receiving of SOS alarm from all the users

5. Sending SOS name\GPS position \ to all or selected Users

6. Data Base Control download & Export Data (xls)

7. Download of complete database for backup

8. Export of Start \ Stop data for each User (Single or Multiple)

9. Acknowledge of user GPS position one at time

10. Monitoring of GPS position 1 at time on google maps page

11. Receiving SOS Massage and Forward to selected User or all Users

Server DATABASE minimal structure

1. For each User save from internet connection:

a. Start App (User Day Hour GPS)

b. SOS Activation \ Alert (User Day Hour GPS)

c. Stop App (User Day Hour GPS)

d. Based on MNG rate setting download and save User position (User Day Hour GPS)

e. If communication is lost at next connection record all past data from mobile

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