Dokończenie miksera playlist HLS online

Zlecenie zamknięte
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xxMaciej - puka.plxx
Kategoria zlecenia:
Usługi programowania

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Opis zlecenia

Zlecę dokończenie skryptu miksera playlist HLS. W tej chwili mikser odczytuje pliki konfiguracyjne z pobranymi playlistami oraz miksuje je do jednego strumienia.

Trzeba dopracować działanie miksera, dodać możliwość generowania wielu różnych strumieni oraz możliwość konfiguracji w panelu administracyjnym.

Proszę o kontakt mailowy w celu przesłania plików aktualnie działającego skryptu.


- Manage categories

- List categories

- Add/remove categories

- Generate URL for category (basic playlist for all ads from categories)

- Manage clients

- List clients

- Add/remove client

- Set category of client

- Set category of ads that can be shown at this client (default = show all without client's category)

- Set location/multiple locations (set unlimited or 10/25/50/100 miles circle where ad will be shown)

- Set contact details about client (^ location/multiple locations ^, company name, address, postal code, city, contact name, e-mail, phone)

- Set priority

- Create unique ID for client

- Enable/disable client

- Edit client

- Add ad file

- Connect to SFTP server, create dir for user (unique ID), upload mp4 file

- Save m3u8 location to database

- Connect to m3u8 url and download information about number of segments and thier duration

- Generate URL for client's location (create playlist containing ads that want to be shown in this location and do not have the same category as the client)

- Manage ads

- List ads

- Set priority

- Set days, hours of screenings

- Timetable (see which ads will be shown at any given time on current day)

- Change timetable

- Statistics

- List ads

- See number of screenings

- Filter by day, month, year

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