Designer for landing page needed

Zlecenie zamknięte
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Lamine Kaba
1 umowa
Kategoria zlecenia:
Strony www

210,00 EUR

Ważne do:

Opis zlecenia

What is the goal:

- Clean landing page (I like the style guide of magnolia café – do you thing the colors

suite papa enj?) – important attribute: high price, vibrant, cool, cooky

- Wireframes: Header, Offering (Restaurant, Coffee, Events), Gallery, cool booking

reference, cool online shop reference

- Nice animations to bring life and emotions on the landing page

Preferowane rozwiązanie

Landing Page: see PDFWhat is the goal: - Clean landing page (I like the style guide of magnolia café – do you thing the colors suite papa enj?) – important attribute: high price, vibrant, cool, cooky - Wireframes: Header, Offering (Restaurant, Coffee, Events), Gallery, cool booking reference, cool online shop reference - Nice animations to bring life and emotions on the landing page

Wymagane funkcje

What is the goal: - Clean landing page (I like the style guide of magnolia café – do you thing the colors suite papa enj?) – important attribute: high price, vibrant, cool, cooky - Wireframes: Header, Offering (Restaurant, Coffee, Events), Gallery, cool booking reference, cool online shop reference - Nice animations to bring life and emotions on the landing page