Architekt aplikacji/Application Architect/Designer dla Komisji Europejskiej w Brukseli

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Ewa Tokarska
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Usługi programowania

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Opis zlecenia

Obecnie poszukuję kandydata na stanowisko Application Architect/Designer dla Komisji Europejskiej w Brukseli. Jest to projekt freelanserki na 500 dni (stawka dzienna - 510 euro/brutto). Tylko język angielski jest wymagany.

Opis stanowiska:

Technical Annex for Time & Means services


The Unit J4 in DG Research and Innovation (DG RTD) is responsible for providing

and operating information systems to support the Commission's framework programmes of Research and Innovation.

The expert management projects (e-experts) of the unit RTD J4 needs the services of an Application Architect (AAD) maximum level 3 under DESIS III framework contract with proven experience in development of IT projects in Java. Experience in design and development of UI interfaces is also required. The type of tasks included in the service will concentrate on supporting the Commission staff in the area of definition, analysis and implementation of the expert management systems.


The services to be provided are at the level Application Architect (AAD) level 3 maximum, with experience in the technical environment mentioned under point 3 below.

The following tasks will be requested by the Commission:

• Definition, analysis, implementation and integration of various information systems

• Interface between development and production teams for any activity in relation with implementation of systems, including databases modifications

• Assistance to the definition of internal methodologies and application lifecycle

• Production of software architecture documents

• Participation in technical working groups, progress meetings and meetings with the users

2.1. Knowledge and skills

• Proven experience in JEE 7 web information systems development using java technologies

• Experience in UML and RUP

• Expertise in configuration and change management tools (RTC)

• Expertise in Enterprise Architect


• Analysis, design and implementations of services and composites in SOA context

• Knowledge of interoperability technology (e.g. web services, message oriented middleware, service oriented bus)

• Expertise in development of complex UI interfaces / screens.

• Ability to apply high quality standards

• Ability to cope with fast changing technologies used in application architecture and design

• Ability to participate in multi-lingual meetings, good communication skills

• Capability of integration in an international/multi-cultural environment, rapid self-starting capability and experience in team working

• Depending on the circumstances, the expert may be requested to provide assistance or support in the resolution of production issues.


• Oracle 10g, Oracle Text

• WebLogic Server



• JEE 7 environment and standards, EJB3, JMS

• Angular 1.x or / and Angular 2.0


• UML Modelling and RUP Methodology

• XML, XSLT, FOP, SQL, PL/SQL, JAVA, JAVA scripts, HTML, JSF, CASE tools, JUNIT, J2EE, ANT scripts, UNIX, TOAD, XML Spy, ECLIPSE, Maven, RTC, Vaadin, jQuery.


4.1. Confidentiality and Security

The Commission draws the contractor’s attention to the contractual provisions on confidentiality.

The Commission reserves the right:

- To proceed to security screenings of any individuals proposed, prior to the signature of any specific contract;

- To require any individual to attend security briefings or training, and/or to sign a security statement, after the signature of a specific contract.

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