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From: Poland

Location: Warszawa, PL

On Useme since 11 September 2017

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Deals 64




About me


  1. web applications
  2. websites using WordPress and Woocommerce
  3. Internet shops
  4. news services
  5. all other web projects
  6. PSD / Figma / XD to WordPress
  7. PSD / Figma / XD to WooCommerce
  8. Angular.js lub jquerry Front-End
  9. Mobile applications
  10. Android apps

I do:

  1. web design
  2. UI design
  3. Scripts

Tech stack (technologies):

  1. HTML5
  3. Javascript ES6+ / Typescript
  4. PHP/Laravel
  5. Node.JS/Express.JS/Nest.JS
  6. Angular
  7. Wordpress/Woocommerce/ACF
  8. Flutter

Please do not hesitate to contact me.

CV / Résumé

Mar 2022 - Now

Web buissnes developer application

Xoog energy

Coding web application in PHP, node js with frameworks laravel, nest js, angular.js


Nowy sklep na frameworku Laravel dla firmy interte

Strona zbudowana od zera w Laravel z panel administracyjnym i główną stroną z wykorzystaniem dodatkowych technologii jak angularJS, Jquerry, Bootstrap 4.

Completed offers 1

  • I am looking for a person willing to work either on a task or hourly basis (to be negotiated) on a web project. Number of hours subject to freelancer's availability but it is not full time. I need a person to help with the development of an application that is in the early stages. Longer cooperation is possible. Technologies: Angular Typescript css .Net 7