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From: Poland

Location: Międzyrzec Podlaski, PL

On Useme since 10 November 2019

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Deals 5




About me

I graduated from National Acting Accademy and gained MA degree in acting. Also I work as a dubbing and voice's over actress and I am an english teacher.

I speak fluent english (Used to live in UK for 6 years) and I am mostly interested in psychology, criminology and during my free time I take up spanish lessons.

Completed offers 2

  • A diet company specializing in the keto diet is looking for a person who feels like a fish in water in front of the camera! Your task will be to record a dozen short videos (up to 30 seconds) with helpful information for our users. The script for the recordings will be prepared by us - your task will be only to stand in front of the camera and deliver the text prepared by us. If you are interested, please provide information about your experience and the rate for 1 video.
  • Zlecę nagranie opisu głosowego do instrukcji ćwieczeń które posiadam w formie nagrań wideo. Czyli posiadam 30 sztuk 30 sekundowych filmików gdzie trenerka pokazuje jak wykonywać ćwiczenia, potrzebuje do tych filmów dodać głos lektora (kobieta) która opisze jak poprawnie wykonywać te ćwiczenia zgodnie z tym co widać na filmie. Szukam WYŁĄCZNIE OSOBY KTÓRA JEST TRENEREM (Kobiety) tak aby opis był profesjonalny.