Wordpress plugin (woocommerce)

Closed job
Krystian Rzepa
Krystian Rzepa
2 deals
Job category:
Online shops
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Job description

I will order a plugin for wordpress, specifically for woocommerce. I want a panel where I will be able to add specific cities and only these will be selectable on the ordering page. This is how it works:

- the main page of the panel is a list of already added cities, and there is a button to add a new one at the top

- after clicking on a given city, we go to the next screen, where there will be a list of streets added in this city + a button to add a new street in this city. Additionally, there must be an option that there are no streets in this city and only numbers, then on the order screen, there will only be a field to enter the building number. Additionally, there must be an option to check that all streets in this city are available, then a field for entering the street and number will appear on the order screen.

- after adding a street, it must be possible to click on it and add specific building numbers in it + option to mark that all numbers on this street are available.

Additionally, each field must have a specific name for the meta (preferably each street in no matter which city has one meta name, the same numbers, but if it is not possible to do so, each street must have a common name beginning, same numbers).

It's supposed to work more or less like this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/states-cities-and-places-for-woocommerce/

demo: https://statesandcitieswc.ml/

However, instead of countries, regions, or cities to choose from on the order screen, there will be cities, streets, and numbers according to the guidelines above.

Required functions:

appearance irrelevant, it should be a simple and clean interface

Template / individual design:

appearance irrelevant, it should be a simple and clean interface

Submitted offers 5

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