Website for a law firm

Closed job
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1 deal
Job category:
Web pages
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description

The order includes the implementation of a rolled website for a law firm in HTML technology (or wordpress if it will not be visible), without the so-called subpages and above-standard functionality (newsletter, store, etc.).

We care about the readability of the message and an interesting visual concept, while the verbal content should only be an obligatory complement (we know from experience that on law firm websites clients do not read more than biographies of partners and their specialties). The site should be quite simple, individually designed and visually interesting (pleasing to the eye). We would like to avoid patterns that are duplicated in many smaller firms/law firms.

Required features

No additional features; simplicity and nice appearance

Preferable solution

We prefer the author's design in HTML or possibly a design prepared so that it is not similar to other sites.

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