Wanted graphic designer for logo assignments, Facebook banners, Google Ads

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Efektywny E-Marketing
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Job category:
Graphic projects
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Job description

We are looking for a graphic designer to work with us, who could prepare graphics for Google Ads, Facebook Ads, among others, according to our guidelines. The assignments would not be regular, but more occasional. At the same time, we are looking for a person for permanent cooperation for years.

Type and number of projects:

Please contact us with a quote: 1. preparing a logo for the company: (a) light version, just a simple PNG logo without background/JPEG. It would be present only on the web, there was no need for printing. (b) medium version, logo in curves Budget customer. (c) full version, logo in curves, logo book 2. a set of banners under Google Ads with specifications: - Rectangle in horizontal orientation, aspect ratio 1.91:1, minimum size: 600 x 314 - Square image (aspect ratio 1:1) should have a minimum size of 300 x 300 3. a set of banners under Google Ads with specifications: 300 × 250 336 × 280 468 × 60 728 × 90 160 × 600 Additional information about banners 2 and 3: they should be in GIF, JPG or PNG format; their size is a maximum of 150 KB; there can be text on the graphics up to 20% of the graphic area 4. set of FB Ads banners (a) for carousel ads (that is, those with square, sliding images) File type: JPG or PNG min. 600x600, recommended 1080x1080; aspect ratio 1:1 Number of carousel ad cards: 3-4 Maximum image file size: 30 MB Aspect ratio tolerance: 3% (b) Advertising - graphics File type: JPG or PNG Aspect ratio: from 1.91:1 to 1:1 Resolution: 1200×628 or 1080×1080 px square Maximum file size: 30 MB Aspect ratio tolerance: 3% 5 INFOGRAPHY Examples: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Ffixly.pl%2Fblog%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F03%2Ffixly_wybor_fachowca.png&tbnid=ZB-rXycqSRKgeM&vet=12ahUKEwjAqrOJmf79AhVFtSoKHYmYDYYQMygEegQIARBB..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ffixly.pl%2Fblog%2Fbudowa-remont%2Fjak-remontuja-polacy-raport-2018%2F&docid=uHp8XKqzKrxFKM&w=1000&h=984&q=infografika%20remonty&ved=2ahUKEwjAqrOJmf79AhVFtSoKHYmYDYYQMygEegQIARBB https://e-prom.com.pl/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/przyk%C5%82adowa-infografika-1.jpg https://pap-mediaroom.pl/sites/default/files/styles/open_article_750/public/attachments/202202/DOC.20220203.41498931.Infografika%201%20-%20dzia%C5%82ania%20na%20sieci%20podsumowanie%202021%20r..png?itok=ipLtppDF