Ticket registration panel / Help Desk

Closed job
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52 deals
Job category:
Web pages
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Job description

Preparation of the Admin Panel for written submissions from registered customers.

Preferable solution

Any CMS solution. It can be a ready CMS or an individual project. Graphic design on the contractor's side based on information from the client.

Required features

Admin side: - Option to create customer (companies, institutions) accounts that allow entrance to the same account for several users through different logins and passwords. - Receiving tickets from customers in the form of e-mails sent to the indicated address (the possibility of connecting a separate e-mail for each customer account) and saving them on customer accounts with the option of opening the history of tickets and reading them - Function to create statistics of tickets: Subject of the ticket, number of tickets per client, number of tickets per user within the client's account - Function to sort tickets by the degree of significance (at least 4 levels) - Function to create individual application forms for each customer account - Option of adding materials or man-hours used in the application to the client along with the rate, which will be added to the reports. Client's side - The possibility of creating tickets that are sent by e-mail to the representative and being saved as a copy on the client's website - Ability to assign the subject of the ticket from the given list (with choice of priority)