Software Architect

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    Preparation of design calculations
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    Avega sp. z o.o. 3 deals
    I want to have the Grandstander font in other languages ​​than English, for example: Spanish, Russian, Polish, Ukrainian. I need to extend the extensions with these options (very detailed look of existing characters) Key for me: Black 900 Base font: Fonts then based added to Google Fonts and available for free. Disclaimer: I have author (Tyler Finck) approval, for an additional (regional) edition of his fonts.
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    BB 1 deal
    resize photo
    Proposed by freelancer
    hello, I am looking for a person to resize two photos (.png) for me to be, and I will send The recommended size is 42x42px or 84x42px and the other 512x512 I will send them on email or attached. I can't do it myself because I don't have the program. Please let me know the completion time and cost. Thank you and Best Regards.
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Marek IC
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Job description

We are looking for a software architect/trainer/trainer to work with us.

The assignment includes the development of the following educational materials:

1. exam set (2 pcs.) consisting of a theoretical part and a practical part.

With the help of each set, all verification criteria (34 in total) contained in the description of the sector qualification "Software Architect" should be checked.

The development of the kits also includes:

- files, charts, graphs, descriptions, tables and other working materials necessary for the practical part;

- answer template with justifications.

2. educational materials, consisting in particular of:

- introduction;

- substantive content corresponding to the learning outcomes and verification criteria of the sectoral qualification "Software Architect";

- verification materials;

- glossary of terms;

- a guide for the teacher;

- learner's guide;

- netography and bibliography;

Required functions:

1. Projektowanie architektury oprogramowania. 2. Zarządzanie zespołem projektowym. 3. Integracja oraz optymalizacja oprogramowania i usług.

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