Sales-oriented web platform

Closed job
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Job category:
Desktop/web applications
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description


I will commission a web platform, the operation of which would consist of general in:

- adding items (product)

- displaying all added items in a dedicated window/view

- sending the entered item (product) via API to 3 other services (integration) - importing the results from 1 service on a cyclically sent request

- e-mailing the entered item (product) to a predefined list of recipients (permanent recipients, there will be 3 defined and editable groups of recipients with company name and e-mail address)

- preparation of a panel in which the administrator adds and removes users

- preparation of a panel for managing access to created user accounts (companies)

- statistics in the area of products entered into the platform, products sold, revenue, margin , others (including to present the results per month on a line graph with the option to filter the period over time)

The mock-up of the platform is already prepared rally so you do not need to spend time on designing the appearance/graphics. At this stage I can't provide all the details of how the platform will work so I invite you to make an offer, I will present the mockup and ask for a quote. The estimated time of implementation of the platform is about 2 months. I would like to mention that I will send the presentation of the mock-up of the platform (graphics, description of the operation) only after signing a non-disclosure agreement with a penalty for breaking it in the amount of PLN 90,000. If you are serious about assignments and what you see you keep to yourself, this should not be a problem.

I anticipate ongoing cooperation in developing the platform as we get feedback from users. The form of settlement to be determined.

I am publishing the offer a second time because the contractor withdrew due to problems preventing him from completing this order at the finalization of the contract.

Required functions:

Submitted offers 18

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