Project WEB-ArchViz Widget

Closed job
Norbert Raab
Norbert Raab
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Job description

Project WEB-ArchViz Widget

The Aim is it to create an Interactive Tool For watching and adjusting ArhViz on diffrent 'Camera' Views, wich will be able to remember your 'Curent Style' choices.

MainSteps to Archive:

I) Creating an Interactive Widget Wich allows to change 'Curent Style' (Images Layers), save the "Style Configuration" into the Web Storage( If Avaible ), and Load the the Style Settings Back for the same or other 'Camera' Views,

if the given object exist's in the other 'Camera Views'

II) Adding Extra Information , when hoovering over Aparment Area, shows info box; Extra Menu Items, for better moving beetwen difrent "Camera Views" & 'Room Configs'.

III) Adding 360 Pointers with 360 Camera View.

IV) Implemantation on "", Adding The Hierarchy of the Cameras, FE: Click On Plaza -> Click on Floor Area -> Click on Apartment Area -> ... ;Adding when Hoover Function.


Files Added:

x) "CameraShowCase.png" <- Shows the position of all Cameras

y) Answer Folder <- Contains All part CSV & Img Layers & Polygon Areas( For Info Only )

z) "Answer\Archviz0" <- Joined CSV's

zz) "Answer\Archviz1" <- Joined and sorted by 'order'

For an fast Start i Prupose you create this website on an external page, not on botanica.

We will create hardcoded Links fo every 'Camera' view. FE. "", "" etc.

Wich should when we refresh show the changes we made on other 'Camera' Views.

FE. Changes made here "" should be vesible after refresh "" here

'' <- I will use this marks whenever the given name is also an CSV(FE."Archviz0.csv") Column Name.

">" and "&" <- I use this delimeter inside my CSV so I am able to have list of lists inside the CSV. FE. 'AvaibleStyles'(FE."standard->modern->scandark-") or 'Polygons' .

Every Object is in the CSV repesented.Not All Objects have Polygons.

a)Get The Main CSV. Convert it into best possible DataBase for the internal use of the Website ( MySQL ?)

b)Filter The CSV for Given 'Camera View' The CSV into the "WEB Storage" if Avaible. It's is very important to keep the Architecture of the CSV inside the WEB storage.All of the CSV Data will be needed and we will mostly work on it.

If there is an Problem with that, we can discuss that.

b)Chose One Camera.FE. "Zoom_0" .filter all the CSV Acording to that,

Load all image acording to the 'order', by combining most of the colums you will get the IMG link needed for the given 'FirstSyle' wich you need to load on the WebPage.

c) 'Polygons' ,we have an polygon or polygons of the area in wich the given object is on the IMG( same way like you did on the WWW already ), when clicking on the IMG, verify if such an 'polygon' Area was clicked.

if there are multiple polygons there we have an custom delimter to seperate them "&". You can also check the extra images wich is showing the difrent polygons ( Standard Folder)

d) Because there is the posibility that some 'Polygon Areas' from difrent objects share the same Area, we need to sort the 'Polygon Area' wisely, to first get those with higher priorety

list depending on the 'order' (Higher Number means more important),if that is problematic let me know, mayby I can figure something out... or do you have any other concerns about that ?

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