order processing system for a furniture manufacturing company

Closed job
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Taurus SFB
1 deal
Job category:
Desktop/web applications
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Job description

We are looking for a contractor for a system for handling orders and assemblies for a manufacturing company. The system is to include production order handling, logistics order handling and billing. We are keen on nocode/lowcode software (e.g. Airtable, Seatable, Caspio, Tadabase, etc.).

Other guidelines:

- Real-time, web-based interface changes (changes made visible immediately)

- Ability to set roles (a given group of users can see only selected parts of the table, only in selected fields can make changes)

- Application available for computer (Windows), phone and tablet (Android)

- Ability to work offline

We want to divide the work into several stages:

Stage 1 - System selection (review of existing nocode/lowcode solutions, pros and cons)

Stage 2 - Launching order processing

Stage 3 - Launching assembly service

Stage 4 - Start handling production orders, logistics and billing

Currently, the company uses services such as Google Sheets, ClickUp, Subiekt. The project aims to replace them.

Required functions: