Online store on Wordpress WooCommerce without the use of page builders

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52 deals
Job category:
Online shops
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Job description

Layout and graphics on the side of the Contractor.

Layouts to be made:

- Home

- single category view

- single product view


- CONTACT with the contact form

- basket + entire shopping path

- a single template to be used as a GDPR, privacy policy, regulations


Other functionalities:

the functionality of entering by the store administrator information about the location of the product on the shelf in the warehouse (descriptive input in the text field) this information is not to be displayed later to the end customer, only the store administrator receiving an e-mail with information about the order should have in the e-mail, where it is in stock so that the person who prepares the order knows where the product is located.

Required telephone contact with the Contractor.

Required transfer of copyright.

industry - gastronomy

Template / individual design:

Wordpress WooCommerce + ACF

Required functions:

mobile version