online store

Closed job
33 deals
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Job description

An online store with individual functionalities to be made, e.g .:

• logging levels (wholesale, company) - different prices after logging in

• individual prices for selected customers (i.e. product X has an individual price for

Customer Y may have a different one for Customer Z, these prices are set individually and entered


• rebate and promotional systems

The store has to be modern, responsive, and user-friendly.

An important issue is also that you will have to transfer data from an already operating store (proprietary cms), i.e. customer base, purchase history, products.

Template / individual design:

adaptation of some opensource platform preferred

Required functions:

* product price groups depending on the customer group (wholesale, company) * individual prices for selected products for selected customers * rebate systems for customers (e.g. purchase thresholds, etc.)

Submitted offers 22

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