Newsletter for the website

Closed job
3 deals
Job category:
Desktop/web applications
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description

We will commission the creation and full configuration of a newsletter for a website. We want the website to have a window with a sign-up form, where the user will be able to sign up for the newsletter + after clicking on it, choose the frequency of how often he wants to receive emails (e.g. by a select in the form of every material / once a day / once a week) and be able to select through checkboxes the subject matter he is interested in - the possibility to choose from 1 to 3-4 options from the given options. The newsletter must later have the functionality of sending emails according to the users' choice - i.e., for example, Jan Kowali will choose that he is interested only in information on a given topic and agrees to receive emails once a week.

Required functions:

We will commission the creation and full configuration of a newsletter for a website. We want the website to have a window with a sign-up form, where the user will be able to sign up for the newsletter + after clicking on it, choose the frequency of how often he wants to receive emails (e.g. by a select in the form of every material / once a day / once a week) and be able to select through checkboxes the subject matter he is interested in - the possibility to choose from 1 to 3-4 options from the given options. The newsletter must later have the functionality of sending emails according to the users' choice - i.e., for example, Jan Kowali will choose that he is interested only in information on a given topic and agrees to receive emails once a week.