Mailing + survey - coding

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Other IT services
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Job description


I am looking for a person who could undertake the preparation of a set of works as below:

1. coding of HTML mailing to be sent by outlook mail (important, due to the fact that there it must display perfectly, on other mail clients we can turn a blind eye)

2. when you click on the button, a survey is to be displayed - it has 9 questions, 7 to choose from a scale, 2 open-ended questions. The answers are to be saved as a .csv, .xls file.

3) After saving the answers in the survey (they must be all there) and clicking on the button, a pop-up should be displayed with thanks and a button, after clicking on which a video (about 5 minutes) should be fired up, suspended on our server.

There will be 2 versions - PL and EN - so in total there are 2 mailings and 2 surveys and 2 pop-ups (the look is the same, only the texts change).

Budget: to be negotiated.

Deadline for implementation: as soon as possible, that is, the beginning of next week (12-14.12) ;) mailing, survey and pop-up are already ready, we can send right away, the only thing is that we are missing a video, but I trust that after preparing the base to plug in 10 minutes.

Submitted offers 8

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