Looking for a graphic designer for logo, web design, photo editing, IG,FB template.

Closed job

Job description

Hi! In the future (I'm giving myself 2-3 weeks to find the right person) I will need an experienced graphic designer, with a sense of taste, who deals with the creation of logos, processing and retouching of photos, creating graphic designs. From those who are willing, I require commitment to the projects, any experience, a portfolio, meeting the set deadlines and defining them according to the actual state (I do not want a situation that someone gives himself to make, for example, a logo 2 days, and makes it a week and I have to explain myself to clients). I would ask you to give me your sample rates for the projects given in the title, super as if I would get some portfolio as well, so as to get an idea of your style.

Type and number of projects:

It's hard for me to write exactly what the number of orders will be, it will probably be dynamic. I expect commitment and willingness to probably long-term cooperation.