I will commission the creation of a site with courses - online sale of courses and online consultations. The site is based on Wordpress. I have my hosting and domain.

Closed job
Job category:
Web pages
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description


The website is a simple store (a few items at most), an "about me" sub-page, a blog and an offer sub-page + sub-pages privacy policy, terms and conditions, funding. Access to courses is hidden behind a login and password.

The website is to work quickly and efficiently. Ready-made templates and bulldozers are ok as long as they are brilliantly optimized. It would be good if in the final stage the website is optimized for PagespeedInsight (indicators above 90 points).

I provide logo, photos, courses, videos, and descriptions.

Additional price list for SEO service and/or AdWords campaign AND price list for website maintenance (security updates, etc.) are welcome.

We will put the website on the client's server and domain. The contractor will get access to the Wordpress admin panel.

I will be happy to answer any questions. :)

Required features

Online payments, a mobile version of the site, access to some content after providing a login and password.

Preferable solution

The client wishes WordPress, so we use that solution.