I will commission a website for a restaurant [website + online ordering + "two-way" mobile app ability to send push messages, collect points by customers, etc].

Closed job
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Piotr P
Job category:
Mobile applications
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Job description

I will commission a website for a pizzeria:

website + online ordering + mobile app.

- sales statistics -

- user reviews of ordered food

- discount codes for users

- reservation of tables

- loyalty program for users (by ordering they collect points and then exchange them for e.g. a discount code)

- product warehouse management

Application - which is compatible with the restaurateur's website: ( that is, the basic thing is online ordering, in addition to two-way communication with customers. What does this mean?

A-possibility to send discount codes

B-possibility to filter customers into those who:

  • order systematically ( and here we specify the date range we are interested in).
  • have not ordered for a long time
  • order only a specific assortment, e.g. I send information about a new pizza to those - who systematically order only pizza
  • who systematically ordered and suddenly stopped
  • those who order only on weekends
  • those who order only to the company from Mon-Fri.

C-possibility of loyalty action ( product and value)

D-possibility to set promotional actions of value and product - examples:

  • when ordering a specific assortment - the customer will receive a specific product indicated.
  • when exceeding a specific amount - the customer will receive a specific product or a discount.

E-possibility to set point-based loyalty actions:

  • points or stamps for minimum order.
  • points or stamps for every zloty spent

F-caschback - set for a specific product or amount spent

Required functions:

online payments, application

Operating system:

iOS, Android