Job description
for running a personal brand, I am looking for someone to:
- creating graphics for Social Media (to start FB and IG, including Ads; mainly using the image of the person, so mostly without the need for icons or additional elements; please include "militant spring" in your application if you have read the description)
- Reels editing (adding sound, the final effect is vlog-type videos 1-2min. in length based on the submitted content)
In the application, I ask for a quote:
- 2 graphic templates, based on which will be prepared 4 equal posts each on IG and FB (taking into account the relevant formats) and one carousel, consisting of 4 infographics (graphics based on KeyVisual mainly containing text)
- 4 Vlog Reels
Working on ready-made KeyVisual + brandbook.
Please include:
- portfolio
- expected time of realization
- on what program you prepare graphics and whether you are comfortable working on Trello,
- whether there is a possibility of hourly billing
- additionally: do you also do photo retouching
Thank you in advance!