Game application

Closed job
Job category:
Desktop/web applications
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description

minimum version

once a day

logs in to the server, on the account

uses the 'collect all production' button - it sets 24h

monitors the list of buildings / pearls of players from the neighbors tab and pays points to buildings according to the settings

saves logs of operation and errors

works locally / windows

simulates human activities

plus version - with GW option

every 8h

enters the guild expeditions tab, enters the task, sets up a fight, changes troops, fights - quick fight

or enters the task and negotiates according to the algorithm that I will propose

plus version - with GPC option

every 1h / according to settings

enters the GPC tab, selects the sector / according to the settings / and attack or negotiate until it reaches the set limit

plus version - with Antiques Dealer option

every 2h / according to settings

an antiques dealer opens

buys items according to settings

he bids in the auction for 30 seconds before the end according to the settings

plus version - with the option of Reading messages, depositing

it works continuously for a given period of time

parses message threads, if the entry meets the basic conditions, i.e. it contains numbers from 1-5, invites the player and pays for the building / pearl according to the settings

plus version - with the option Ocean terminal / Arctic port

chooses a Port / Terminal, repairs the ship, chooses the crew, sends it

Required functions:

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