Creation of a website according to the template (Layout, UX, graphics)

Closed job
8 deals
Job category:
Web pages
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description

Good day,

I have to order the creation of a website based on the inspiration of the template - (the prerequisite is the reproduction of the layout). We are looking for a person/fiir with whom we will do everything remotely - from the site starting, to the configuration with Pixel/GA4, to the graphic design.

What do we need?

- A contractor who creates high-quality websites and for this post already has a proper portfolio prepared :)

- Reliable execution of the order and good contact during its execution,

- The site can be based on the indicated CMS, but it does not have to be;

- We expect the site to be easy to use;

- The site will have 4 sub-pages (company offer, about us, portfolio, BLOG) in addition to the main page;

- The site must follow UX practices;

- SEO positioning of the site (as much as possible).

- The site must achieve a score of min. 75 PageSpeed (mobile);

- We want to have you/your company do the graphics for the site right away (or opportunities to recommend someone);

- We need integration with Pixel Meta;

- We need integration with GA4;

- We need integration with any form submission system and/or integration with Calendly.

Preferable solution

Can be Wordpress

Required features

- On the site, we must achieve a score of min. 75 PageSpeed (mobile); - Graphics; - We need integration with Pixel Meta; - We need integration with GA4; - We need integration with any form submission system and/or integration with Calendaly; - Mobile and Desktop versions.