Creating an advertising magazine for the food industry

Closed job
Sawart Studio
Sawart Studio
Job category:
Graphic projects
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description


We are looking for a graphic designer who will create an advertising newsletter for the grocery chain.

The magazine has 8 pages. There are 6 to 15 products on each page. A total of max. 100 products. We send the products, they need to be cut and arranged on the pages, including price tags. Prices from the exel file, which we also send, need to be pasted to the price lists. The background of the newspaper sometimes needs to be changed, it is rather a ready-made scheme. The ready-made newspaper is sent to us for correction (max. 3 corrections - usually 2). Then the newspaper must be prepared for printing by the graphic designer. Everything is done within 3-4 business days.

I am asking for a quote for the entire magazine or for a page. Please provide prices net.

Type and number of projects:

Preparation of the newspaper about 2 times a month. Other orders possible.