Company logo design

Closed job
1 deal
Job category:
Graphic projects
Expected budget:


Preferable skills:
Valid until:

Job description

I am looking for a person to design a logo for a company with a construction profile. I would like it to be something out of the box. Simple and minimalistic, but at the same time quite original. We operate in the Western European market, it would be weak if it turned out that someone uses a similar one.

I'll be happy to share my vision and specifics once I've chosen the offer. :)

Type and number of projects:

I would like the contractor to prepare proposals for 3 logos after our conversation, on the basis of which the final logo would be refined. Unless any of them will immediately appeal to us :) It is important that the file is prepared so that it can be used in the design of the website, on business cards, fb, etc....