Checking the correctness of texts from English or Polish to Hindi

Closed job
1 deal
Job category:
Expected budget:

50.00 PLN

Preferable skills:
Valid until:

Job description

We would be interested in cooperation consisting in checking texts of candidates for work.

We want to evaluate their sample text (in a certain scale) translated by such a person into Hindi.

Correction is not needed, it is only about visual checking and issuing a grade (like in school)

Please pay special attention to whether the candidate used, for example, google translate when translating a sample text for us as part of a job application.

It is up to you, as a Hindi translator and specialist, to verify this!

To summarize: The assignment consists of reading two pages (approximately 5200 characters) and giving a grade.

10 is for native with technical vocabulary,

9 for native without technical vocabulary,

8 for professional, non-native with technical vocabulary,

7 for professional, non-native without technical vocabulary,

6 for non-professional (N3-N2 level), non-native with technical vocabulary,

5 for non-professional (N3-N2 level), non-native without technical vocabulary,

4-0 according to your personal preference.

Type and number of texts:

descriptive texts

Number of characters:

The language of the text:

Polish or English (if you prefer)

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