Android - app logo, graphics for Play Store, UI/UX - design and mockups

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Graphic projects
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Job description

I am looking for a Graphic Designer with UI/UX experience for a new mobile app - Android and Material Design.

I need someone to make a logo for the app plus to upload on FB and Play Store.

Plus promotional graphics and a carousel of screenshots on Play Store and background picture on FB.

The next part is UI/UX - the app has an initial design that can be plowed, redesigned or just smoothed out.

Based on the design, mockups will be needed, to be placed in promotional posts on FB during the implementation of the app's backend and on the Play Store.

The whole work can be divided into two phases - graphics/layouts for MVP publication do not have to be final. If the app goes beyond the MVP phase, they can be redesigned or refined.

Budget is to be determined - preferably with a split between MVP and post-MVP phases.

Type and number of projects:

* logo for use in the app, on the Play Store and on FB - consistent with * Play Store promotional graphics plus background picture on FB * UI/UX design of the app - or consultation to existing design (depending on budget). * UI mockups for placement on PlayStore and in FB posts - needed during implementation.