Adding a feature to the slider that displays promotional newspapers

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Gazetka Promocyjna
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Desktop/web applications
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Job description

zoom desktop version:

Currently when zoom is enabled to change position we move the mouse right, left. I would like it to move when zoom is enabled by holding down the mouse button and moving the image in the desired direction


zoom mobile version:

Currently, when turning on zoom, the zoom is always central and without the ability to move the image. I would like the zoom to be more intuitive i.e. zoom in the desired location and the ability to move the image.

When returning to the original size there is often a transition to the next page which is also an undesirable effect.

json array:

currently json files are manually entered into an array I would like this to be automated.


So-called inserts appear on the newspaper pages. They look like newspaper pages but contain different content and are loaded from a different source. I would like them to be cached like newspaper pages. Currently you have to wait until such a page loads which is undesirable.

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