1,. Creation of a company logo 2, Create a personal brand logo

Closed job
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Kacper Burczyk
1 deal
Job category:
Graphic projects
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Job description

1 The IT industry - project management, human resource management, cost coptymization.

I focus on communication and employee development.

2. personal development, mental training, lifestyle change

The two logos should be consistent with each other, however, I don't mean that they should be the same.

If you find that the logo alone is not enough and you need to build a whole brand - write to me about it.

If you have an idea and experience go ahead and apply.

You are the expert here and you know how to do it, I expect your initiative.

Type and number of projects:

2 logos consistent with each other however not the same. Or maybe you have some other idea? If in the course of conversation you find that you have an idea how to expand it boldly write.