freelance tips

How to create your second brain?

How to create your second brain?

The human brain is a vital organ that has many jobs within the human body. What if you could have two of them? Read this article to learn how to create a second brain.

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How to prepare for teamwork if you usually work solo

How to prepare for teamwork if you usually work solo

Are you struggling with adjusting from solo freelance work to a teamwork-based environment? If you have never worked in this setting, you might face some challenges in getting the team spirit right. Don’t worry! This article will help you prepare for the challenge!

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Best skill to learn in 2023: Storytelling

Best skill to learn in 2023: Storytelling

Have you ever wondered how come two people can say the same story in such a thoroughly different way? Words, actions, and proper narration can make a whole world of difference in how you perceive the underlying message.

Storytelling is one of the most relevant skills you should work on if you’re looking to be a successful freelancer. In this article, we will explain what is storytelling, what are its crucial components, and why is it currently considered to be one of the most in-demand soft skills

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How to handle tedious tasks

How to handle tedious tasks

Are you desperately searching for help in dealing with a very boring task before the deadline passes? We might have some good ideas for you on how to handle the grunt work.

Let us help you with making the first step towards what seems impossible. Here are our tips on how to handle mind-numbing tasks at work.

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How to impress your future client with the freelance proposal

How to impress your future client with the freelance proposal

Flexibility is one of the advantages of freelancing. You can choose what types of work, when to start it, and how to finish it. It is totally up to you to make the decision. With the growth of remote work, more and more people are joining freelancing. In fact, 59 million people worked as freelancers in 2020 in America. More freelancer means more competitors. When the employer posts a job, countless offers come into their mailbox and offer their services. Your proposal is the first step to catch their attention and help you to get the job. Here is a step-by-step guide to forming a proposal to impress freelance clients. In the guide, you will know how to write it, and the best way to protect your freelance work.

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6 steps to make sure that you get paid as a freelancer

6 steps to make sure that you get paid as a freelancer

The way of receiving payment as a freelancer is different from a full-time employee. One more thing will decide how and when you will get paid. That is the client. Most of them are nice and know that they should send the payment to you. But sadly, some of them are not. They have endless reasons for delaying or not paying at all. You deserve to get paid for your work! Here are 6 steps to make sure that you get paid as a freelancer. In this guide, you will know to protect your right, take your payment quickly, and the best way to secure your money.

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7 common freelance struggles with the solutions

7 common freelance struggles with the solutions

As a freelance business owner, you are in charge of everything. Finding clients, marketing your service, and chasing late payment. The list is still growing. It may sound scary to face all of the challenges by yourself. We hear your voice.

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The ultimate guide for relocating as a freelancer in 2023

The ultimate guide for relocating as a freelancer in 2023

When you work from home, every day feels the same. With the same routine-eating, working, and take a break. How about trying a different lifestyle? 10. 9 million in the U.S. relate themselves as digital nomads-people who work remotely and travel around different locations. As an independent contractor, you can work from anywhere with your computer and the internet.

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